Clyde's Magic Concoction
About Us
Creations by Clyde was formed over 40 years ago and has served creative projects over the years.
Creations by Clyde over the years and still does many creative projects such as: Jewelry design, scrimshaw, bone carving, wood turning, and many more creations...
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Clyde's Magic Concoction
Our Story
CMC is a all natural product derived from plants and trees. Each ingredient has been carefully thought out according to what area of pain it attacks. It also has been proven by users to help with, fly and mosquito repellent, skin problems, neuropathy of the feet, wound heal, and others. It contains one or more of the following products: prickly ash, lavender, mexican prickly poppy, rosemary, peppermint, clove, cinnamon, wild lettuce, meadow sweet, comfrey, borage, sage, st. johns wart, gotu kola, self heal, lemon balm, burdock root, oregano, slippery elm, calendula, licorice root, golden seal. chickweed. A lot of the ingredients I grown here on the ranch .Made and distributed by Creations by Clyde. You can contact me on Facebook at:
Payment Info
We accept square, PayPal, Venmo, cash app
Try CMC today...
For the cost of a fast food lunch
you have nothing to loose but your pain...
Contact Us
Provide the information about how customers can reach you with questions or feedback and the physical location where your goods can be purchased or ordered.
Our location
7980 37th st Vero Beach, Fl 32966
Open hours call 772-360-2341